(Revised 12/27/24)
Reuchlin Wright, the eldest son of Milton and Susan Wright, and brother of Wilbur and Orville Wright, has been portrayed by many historians as a troubled individual, estranged from the rest of the family, insecure, and unsuccessful in his life pursuits. I believe this is an unfair assessment of this man of good character. This assessment unfortunately has been repeated so often, and by reputable sources, that to suggest the evidence doesn't support such a negative evaluation of the man will be rejected outright by some. Reuchlin Wright's descendants (14) deserve better than a summary of their ancestor's life based on some select comments in a few family letters, when examination of the whole points to a much different conclusion.
The Smithsonian National Air and Space museum website remembers Reuchlin in this way, "The Wrights' oldest child grew into a restless young man. He failed twice at college, then moved to Kansas City, Missouri, in 1889, distancing himself both physically and psychologically from the family. He worked there as a bookkeeper until 1901, when he moved onto a Kansas farm with his wife and children and raised cattle. Reuchlin built a good life with his family in Kansas, but he remained estranged from the Dayton clan." (I've put in bold type the portions of the above that I believe are inaccurate.)
The National Park Service website for Dayton Aviation Heritage provides Reuchlin's Life Story in a much gentler fashion in this way, ".....After graduating from Coe's Collegiate Academy in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 1878, Reuchlin enrolled in nearby Western College, a United Brethren school, perhaps with the intention of studying for the Brethren ministry. However, he left Western College and in the fall of 1880 taught one term in an elementary school near Cedar Rapids. He returned to college, as a sophomore, with brother Lorin in 1881 when they enrolled at Hartsville University in Indiana. Both left Hartsville in 1883 without earning degrees. Reuchlin returned to Dayton that autumn and obtained a job as a clerk for a local lumberyard......Reuchlin married Lulu Billheimer.....they welcomed their first child...thirteen months later. Finding the young family's financial situation to be difficult....he found work as a bookkeeper....in Kansas City, where Lulu and their daughter joined him.....As an adult, Reuchlin grew distant from his father, brothers, and sister in Dayton, who did not get along with Lulu. It is possible that Reuchlin felt inferior to his more famous brothers; he believed that he did not deserve all of the $50,000 he inherited from Wilbur in 1912 and attempted to return $1000 to his father. Milton, Orville, and Katharine refused to accept the money. Reuchlin died of a stroke in Kansas City in 1920 and is buried there."(Again, I've put in bold type the portions above I believe are inaccurate.)
In The Bishops Boys, Tom Crouch writes, "The depth of Reuchlin's isolation and estrangement from his family would become painfully obvious at the time of Wilbur's death of typhoid in the spring of 1912. Reuchlin, Katharine, and Lorin each received a bequest of $50,000. As useful as the money was, Reuchlin apparently did not believe he deserved an equal share and returned $1000 to his father...The bishop would have none of it. The money was returned to Reuchlin with the comment that Wilbur's last will and testament was to be regarded as 'sacred writ'." (1) (With deep respect for Tom Crouch, I question his conclusions of those items above I've placed in bold type.)
Ian Mackersey in The Wright Brothers, writes, "Reuchlin had begun to rebel against his father's domination. Of all the children, he would be the only one successfully to cut loose from its pervasive power." Later he writes, "Susan habitually complained about her daughter-in-law, claiming that her relatives were 'sponging' off Reuchlin. It was the beginning of his more or less permanent disengagement from his own family." Mackersey then later writes, "Only a few of Susan's letters to Milton have survived....they report regularly on the debt-ridden, jobless Reuchlin's unhappy marriage to Lulu Billheimer….". And finally, "Eternally criticized by Lulu for his lack of drive and success in life, he appears by now to have developed a permanent sense of inferiority."(2) After which the author then tells the account of Reuchlin selling the Iowa farm and feeling responsible for paying too high of a commission. How Ian concludes that Susan "habitually complained" when only a few of her letters survive, he doesn't explain. I speak to this line of reasoning in my post Five Copper Cents, where I suggest that Susan was just blowing off steam in this letter because she was suffering from a cold, and upset Milton was away from home. Mackersey's comment that Reuchlin was "Eternally criticized by Lulu" is as I understand it, based on events during an extended family visit in December 1900/January 1901. Imagine if each of us was defined for life by the comments on a given day by a loved one in a bad mood? (Fantastic book on the Wright Brothers, but I simply question the conclusions concerning Reuchlin, and the use of the words "habitually", "permanent disengagement", and "eternally criticized" etc.)
The sources (6) and accounts used by others to portray Reuchlin in this way can be summarized as follows:
September 20, 1888 letter from Susan to Milton in which Susan complained about Reuchlin's lack of employment and about his In-laws.
June 18, 1901 letter from Wilbur to Lulu stating he entirely agrees with her that the boys of the Wright family are all lacking in determination and push.(7)
September 17, 1901 letter from Reuchlin to Milton where Reuchlin provides news of selling Milton's Iowa farm and that he feels bad for paying high commission.
September 25, 1902 letter from Katharine to Milton stating there is no pleasing Reuchlin; he is suspicious of everyone.(8)
October 3, 1907 letter from Milton to Wilbur and Orville mentioning Reuchlin sought independence as a teenager similar to what Reuchlin was now experiencing with his daughter Helen.
October 6, 1912 letter from Reuchlin to Milton concerning Reuchlin's inheritance of equal share of Wilbur's money, and Reuchlin sending Milton $1000, which is later returned.
From these few letters and events mixed with the interpretation that Milton was a domineering father, and Reuchlin's move to Kansas was to escape Milton and family, Reuchlin's life has been defined.
Was Reuchlin a restless young man? Did he fail twice at college? Did he move to Kansas City to distance himself both physically and psychologically from the family? Did he remain estranged from the Dayton clan? As an adult, did Reuchlin grow distant from his father, brothers, and sister in Dayton? Did they not get along with Lulu? Did Reuchlin feel undeserving of the $50,000 inheritance? Was he rebuked for offering $1000 to his father? Let's look at all the evidence.
Milton Wright in his diary entry of Sunday, March 17, 1901, wrote-
"Arose at 6:00. This is the fortieth anniversary of my son Reuchlin's birth, and he was born on a clear, but quite cool Sunday forenoon. He has been a good and dutiful son....."
Reuchlin went through a stage in his late teenage years, seeking his independence. This is not unusual as many of those who have raised children can attest. Asserting oneself and seeking independence is a normal process of transitioning from childhood to adulthood. Milton wrote to Wilbur and Orville October 3, 1907, as they were involved in negotiations in Paris and London "...Reuchlin has much appreciated Wilbur's descriptions of what he has seen, and so do I. This morning I have a letter from Reuchlin, which says that they are all in usual health. Herbert and Bertha are in school. Helen has declared independence, and has gone to town to work. Probably he has about the same experience with her that I had with him when he was about the same age (Helen was 18 years old at this time), only I managed to not let him break away. After a year or two he became and remains most dutiful. He asks whether you have dropped your negotiation with Washington....".(6) Helen eventually became engaged to George Russel, and Reuchlin was opposed to the couple marrying, wanting them to wait till George was educated and settled in his career. They did marry when Helen was 19, George 20. Family relationships improved, and Reuchlin and Lulu enjoyed their daughter, son-in law, and grandchildren. Helen grew out of her "rebellious" stage, as did Reuchlin in his younger years. This natural stage should not define either of them for life.
Many people have attended college, taken courses, changed majors, discovered their interests lay elsewhere, and left without earning a degree. Reuchlin attending college courses without ultimately earning a degree is not "failure" as the Smithsonian website claims. Failure could perhaps be attributed to the individual who attended college, did not apply themselves, were not successful at learning anything, received low grades, and wasted money better spent elsewhere. Applying this same standard to Wilbur and Orville, an historian could label them as "High School dropouts" as neither graduated. This label would be totally inappropriate, as would be the use of the word "failure" concerning Reuchlin's college attendance. Milton Wright in a positive way, shares with a friend that Reuchlin "nearly graduated in College, but prefers a farm....".
Milton Wright, writing to Mrs. Wyatt February 29, 1912,In The Bishops Boys, Tom Crouch writes, "The depth of Reuchlin's isolation and estrangement from his family would become painfully obvious at the time of Wilbur's death of typhoid in the spring of 1912. Reuchlin, Katharine, and Lorin each received a bequest of $50,000. As useful as the money was, Reuchlin apparently did not believe he deserved an equal share and returned $1000 to his father...The bishop would have none of it. The money was returned to Reuchlin with the comment that Wilbur's last will and testament was to be regarded as 'sacred writ'." (1) (With deep respect for Tom Crouch, I question his conclusions of those items above I've placed in bold type.)
Ian Mackersey in The Wright Brothers, writes, "Reuchlin had begun to rebel against his father's domination. Of all the children, he would be the only one successfully to cut loose from its pervasive power." Later he writes, "Susan habitually complained about her daughter-in-law, claiming that her relatives were 'sponging' off Reuchlin. It was the beginning of his more or less permanent disengagement from his own family." Mackersey then later writes, "Only a few of Susan's letters to Milton have survived....they report regularly on the debt-ridden, jobless Reuchlin's unhappy marriage to Lulu Billheimer….". And finally, "Eternally criticized by Lulu for his lack of drive and success in life, he appears by now to have developed a permanent sense of inferiority."(2) After which the author then tells the account of Reuchlin selling the Iowa farm and feeling responsible for paying too high of a commission. How Ian concludes that Susan "habitually complained" when only a few of her letters survive, he doesn't explain. I speak to this line of reasoning in my post Five Copper Cents, where I suggest that Susan was just blowing off steam in this letter because she was suffering from a cold, and upset Milton was away from home. Mackersey's comment that Reuchlin was "Eternally criticized by Lulu" is as I understand it, based on events during an extended family visit in December 1900/January 1901. Imagine if each of us was defined for life by the comments on a given day by a loved one in a bad mood? (Fantastic book on the Wright Brothers, but I simply question the conclusions concerning Reuchlin, and the use of the words "habitually", "permanent disengagement", and "eternally criticized" etc.)
The sources (6) and accounts used by others to portray Reuchlin in this way can be summarized as follows:
September 20, 1888 letter from Susan to Milton in which Susan complained about Reuchlin's lack of employment and about his In-laws.
June 18, 1901 letter from Wilbur to Lulu stating he entirely agrees with her that the boys of the Wright family are all lacking in determination and push.(7)
September 17, 1901 letter from Reuchlin to Milton where Reuchlin provides news of selling Milton's Iowa farm and that he feels bad for paying high commission.
September 25, 1902 letter from Katharine to Milton stating there is no pleasing Reuchlin; he is suspicious of everyone.(8)
October 3, 1907 letter from Milton to Wilbur and Orville mentioning Reuchlin sought independence as a teenager similar to what Reuchlin was now experiencing with his daughter Helen.
October 6, 1912 letter from Reuchlin to Milton concerning Reuchlin's inheritance of equal share of Wilbur's money, and Reuchlin sending Milton $1000, which is later returned.
From these few letters and events mixed with the interpretation that Milton was a domineering father, and Reuchlin's move to Kansas was to escape Milton and family, Reuchlin's life has been defined.
Was Reuchlin a restless young man? Did he fail twice at college? Did he move to Kansas City to distance himself both physically and psychologically from the family? Did he remain estranged from the Dayton clan? As an adult, did Reuchlin grow distant from his father, brothers, and sister in Dayton? Did they not get along with Lulu? Did Reuchlin feel undeserving of the $50,000 inheritance? Was he rebuked for offering $1000 to his father? Let's look at all the evidence.
Milton Wright in his diary entry of Sunday, March 17, 1901, wrote-
"Arose at 6:00. This is the fortieth anniversary of my son Reuchlin's birth, and he was born on a clear, but quite cool Sunday forenoon. He has been a good and dutiful son....."
Reuchlin went through a stage in his late teenage years, seeking his independence. This is not unusual as many of those who have raised children can attest. Asserting oneself and seeking independence is a normal process of transitioning from childhood to adulthood. Milton wrote to Wilbur and Orville October 3, 1907, as they were involved in negotiations in Paris and London "...Reuchlin has much appreciated Wilbur's descriptions of what he has seen, and so do I. This morning I have a letter from Reuchlin, which says that they are all in usual health. Herbert and Bertha are in school. Helen has declared independence, and has gone to town to work. Probably he has about the same experience with her that I had with him when he was about the same age (Helen was 18 years old at this time), only I managed to not let him break away. After a year or two he became and remains most dutiful. He asks whether you have dropped your negotiation with Washington....".(6) Helen eventually became engaged to George Russel, and Reuchlin was opposed to the couple marrying, wanting them to wait till George was educated and settled in his career. They did marry when Helen was 19, George 20. Family relationships improved, and Reuchlin and Lulu enjoyed their daughter, son-in law, and grandchildren. Helen grew out of her "rebellious" stage, as did Reuchlin in his younger years. This natural stage should not define either of them for life.
Many people have attended college, taken courses, changed majors, discovered their interests lay elsewhere, and left without earning a degree. Reuchlin attending college courses without ultimately earning a degree is not "failure" as the Smithsonian website claims. Failure could perhaps be attributed to the individual who attended college, did not apply themselves, were not successful at learning anything, received low grades, and wasted money better spent elsewhere. Applying this same standard to Wilbur and Orville, an historian could label them as "High School dropouts" as neither graduated. This label would be totally inappropriate, as would be the use of the word "failure" concerning Reuchlin's college attendance. Milton Wright in a positive way, shares with a friend that Reuchlin "nearly graduated in College, but prefers a farm....".
"My wife left us nearly 23 years ago. She was the sweetest spirit earth ever knew. She was a trusting Christian through our 30 years of wedded life. She did not suffer much in her long years as an invalid. Her son Wilbur who was so good to her while I was on the Coast, is a man over 160 pounds. The children are all in good flesh lately. They agree well, and discuss their affairs at our table. Lorin my second son lives in our town, and has a nice family....Reuchlin, has a nice family in Kansas. He nearly graduated in College, but prefers a farm, which he owns and runs well. He is well situated and he is as smart as any of them."
In 1901, Reuchlin negotiated the sale of Milton's Adair County, Iowa farm property, and felt that he had paid a higher commission to the land agent than he could have otherwise. The money from the sale was to be divided equally among the brothers, Reuchlin, Lorin, Wilbur, and Orville; a gift from their father Milton. Reuch wrote to his father Sept 17 of 1901, "Yes, we sold the farm. The price obtained was very good, though I paid an exorbitant commission to the land agent. The farm sold for $11,000 cash on 1st of March next, but I pay $400 in commission.....I think probably I did injustice to the other boys in allowing them & I expect to make it up to them in March when we divide up.....I shall therefore make up this hundred dollars to the children in our settlement for I don't want them to feel that their interests have been sacrificed by anything I did..." Sounds pretty honorable to me, an attitude that Reuchlin should be commended for, taking responsibility for his own actions. Yet, historians have used this event as another example of Reuchlin's feelings of inadequacy. Would a better response from Reuch to this father have been "..but I pay $400 in commission, and if you have a problem with that, you sell the next property. I want my full share!" ?
When Wilbur died of typhoid fever in May of 1912, he willed $50,000 each to Reuchlin, Lorin, and Katharine. He willed $1000 to his father as he knew Milton had other financial resources, and that he was secure under the care of his daughter and sons. To Orville, he willed his share of the aeroplane business and patents, knowing that Orville would reap financial reward eventually. Wilbur wrote his will as he was fighting typhoid, and therefore Reuchlin suggested that perhaps if his brother had had more time to think through things, he might have distributed the inheritance differently. This is a reasonable thought to have. A portion of the letter stating this follows:
Reuchlin, writing to his father October 6, 1912-
".....I am enclosing a draft for a thousand dollars. This is not intended exactly as a gift. It is some of Wilbur's money and I am inclined to think perhaps if he had had more time for deliberation he might have made some provisions differently in his will. Anyhow, this is yours to use or give away or do whatever you desire with it- that may give you the most pleasure. Hoping this may find all the folks well. Affectionately, Reuchlin Wright." (6)
In lieu of "The bishop would have none of it", Milton explains that he, Lorin, Katharine, and Orville all wish to honor the will as written, and then expresses his gratitude in his response to his son's offer:
Milton Wright to Reuchlin, October 13, 1912-In 1901, Reuchlin negotiated the sale of Milton's Adair County, Iowa farm property, and felt that he had paid a higher commission to the land agent than he could have otherwise. The money from the sale was to be divided equally among the brothers, Reuchlin, Lorin, Wilbur, and Orville; a gift from their father Milton. Reuch wrote to his father Sept 17 of 1901, "Yes, we sold the farm. The price obtained was very good, though I paid an exorbitant commission to the land agent. The farm sold for $11,000 cash on 1st of March next, but I pay $400 in commission.....I think probably I did injustice to the other boys in allowing them & I expect to make it up to them in March when we divide up.....I shall therefore make up this hundred dollars to the children in our settlement for I don't want them to feel that their interests have been sacrificed by anything I did..." Sounds pretty honorable to me, an attitude that Reuchlin should be commended for, taking responsibility for his own actions. Yet, historians have used this event as another example of Reuchlin's feelings of inadequacy. Would a better response from Reuch to this father have been "..but I pay $400 in commission, and if you have a problem with that, you sell the next property. I want my full share!" ?
When Wilbur died of typhoid fever in May of 1912, he willed $50,000 each to Reuchlin, Lorin, and Katharine. He willed $1000 to his father as he knew Milton had other financial resources, and that he was secure under the care of his daughter and sons. To Orville, he willed his share of the aeroplane business and patents, knowing that Orville would reap financial reward eventually. Wilbur wrote his will as he was fighting typhoid, and therefore Reuchlin suggested that perhaps if his brother had had more time to think through things, he might have distributed the inheritance differently. This is a reasonable thought to have. A portion of the letter stating this follows:
Reuchlin, writing to his father October 6, 1912-
".....I am enclosing a draft for a thousand dollars. This is not intended exactly as a gift. It is some of Wilbur's money and I am inclined to think perhaps if he had had more time for deliberation he might have made some provisions differently in his will. Anyhow, this is yours to use or give away or do whatever you desire with it- that may give you the most pleasure. Hoping this may find all the folks well. Affectionately, Reuchlin Wright." (6)
In lieu of "The bishop would have none of it", Milton explains that he, Lorin, Katharine, and Orville all wish to honor the will as written, and then expresses his gratitude in his response to his son's offer:
"I return you the check. Your sending it is proof of the reality of your generosity. It is appreciated by us all. But I have plenty of funds to live on, and want nothing. With kind wishes to you all, I am Your Father, Milton Wright." (6)
As far as the suggestion that "...Reuchlin felt inferior to his more famous brothers; he believed that he did not deserve all of the $50,000 he inherited from Wilbur...", consider what Reuchlin wrote to his father in the letter sent prior to the October 6th letter:
Reuchlin to his father July 22, 1912- (6)
"...While I would rather have liked to have had a little share in the Wright Company, perhaps Orville had rather keep that intact in his own hand's and probably it was Wilbur's intent that it should be so. I only want a fourth of Wilbur's other property, and will be perfectly satisfied with that if it was thought best not to divide the Company stock. I am writing this because I talked with Kate & with Lorin and with Orville & in thinking it over I can not be sure that I made this plain to Orville himself. I am in no hurry for money & hope the children will go right ahead carrying out their original plans"
Does the above really come across as Reuchlin "apparently did not believe he deserved an equal share..."? Even if Reuchlin did feel that he was less deserving of an equal share, why is that viewed as a feeling of inferiority? The source of the inheritance is from the money generated by the invention of the aeroplane. Lorin worked as bookkeeper for Wilbur and Orville, and visited the Kitty Hawk camp in 1902. Lorin delivered the news of the Dec 17, 1903 first flights to the Dayton Journal. Katharine left her career at Steele High School, to perform the duties of social director for Wilbur and Orville, accompanying them on their travels overseas. Katharine, Lorin, and Milton would often visit Huffman Prairie during the perfection of the aeroplane during 1904 and 1905. Wouldn't it only be natural for Reuchlin, or anyone in his position, to feel that a greater share of the money generated from the invention should be in the hands of those who were more intimately involved? If Reuchlin felt this way, shouldn't this be viewed as evidence of a fine character in lieu of viewed as evidence of an inferiority? I certainly believe so.
When Reuchlin and his family moved to Kansas City, it was because he needed employment, not because he wished to distance "himself both physically and psychologically from the family...". Milton's diary entries from that time in no way reflect an unpleasant parting of ways, but rather, his helpfulness in preparing Reuchlin's departure. In 1892, Reuchlin's first born daughter Catherine Louise, Milton's first grandchild, was soon to die from diphtheria. If Reuchlin wanted to distance himself from his father, then why did Reuchlin send a telegram asking for his father
to "come immediately"? Milton traveled to Kansas City to grieve with his
son and daughter-in-law and offer help and comfort. Milton's diary
entry of January 15th, "We go to the cemetery in the afternoon, to see
Cath. L's grave." Later that same year, after a visit from Lulu to Dayton, Katharine visited and stayed with Reuchlin and Lulu for two months; with Milton also visiting again. (11) The suggestion that Reuchlin "grew distant from his father, brothers, and sister in Dayton, who did not get along with Lulu" hardly rings true based on these visits. Milton's diary entries record many letters exchanged between father and son over the years, a continual steady correspondence. Milton would visit his son when business of the ministry would take him West. Reuchlin and family would visit Dayton for Christmas and his daughter Bertha's birthday in 1900. Reuchlin joined Wilbur and Orville and the Dayton family during the 1909 Dayton Home Celebration (9), and traveled with Milton to see Orville fly at Ft. Myer. Reuchlin visited in August of 1911 and flew with Orville at Huffman Prairie.(10) In May of 1912, Reuchlin rushed from Kansas City to Dayton to see his brother Wilbur just prior to Wilbur passing away, and grieved with the family as he attended Wilbur's funeral. Reuchlin and Lulu visited again in 1916, and enjoyed 12 days with family. On October 22, Milton recorded in his diary, "Lorin's family, including Ivonette, dined with us. Reuchlin's also. They staid through the afternoon. John Wright came. Ivonette sung and Lulu played for her. We had many 'Victor' songs." Yet, the Smithsonian website states, "he remained estranged from the Dayton clan." I believe the evidence indicates otherwise. Consider the following assessment of Reuchlin by his father in the following letter:
Milton Wright, to Mrs Wyatt, September 6, 1914,
"The 4th of July last, it is 25 years since "the sweetest spirit earth ever knew", took her flight to that Savior in whom she always had confided. She left me a daughter not quite 15, to whom I had to be father and mother. Now she is perhaps as well known as any one in the City of Dayton, and makes me my home. Orville has built him a fine residence, and Katharine runs it. Lorin has since married and has a fine home, and has four children, the two middle girls; as nice a family as you ever saw. The oldest son Reuchlin married well and lives in Kansas, where he had three children, the middle a boy. His daughter has a daughter five years old, my only great-granddaughter. Reuchlin is a prince of a letter-writer, and for these years, has written me every two weeks, generally..." (6)
Reading through Milton's diary entries, and through the letters between Milton and Reuchlin, I get no sense of a strained relationship between father and son, but in fact find a close and loving relationship. Keep in mind that Milton's purpose of his diary was not to make note each time a letter was sent or received from family members. Some years, Milton rarely mentions specific letters sent or received. Sometimes he'll simply indicate he wrote letters that day. But his diary clearly shows a continual relationship maintained with Reuchlin throughout the years. Reuchlin did not "remain estranged from the Dayton clan". The reader may want to simply scroll through the diary entries and letters below to find an appreciation of my disagreement with the use of the word "estranged" concerning Reuchlin; it is a misrepresentation of the whole.
Portions of entries from Milton's diaries during and after Reuchlin's move to Kansas City for employment-
January 1, 1889, "Reuchlin & family dined with us- thus all the family at home, Lorin being also here."
January 9- "Reuchlin left Patterson's & is again out of employment. They credit him with having succeeded well. It was to give another a place."
January 11- "Reuchlin called in the evening."
January 14- "Called at Reuchlin's in forenoon."
January 15- "Reuchlin also called."
January 18- "Went to Telescope Office and set Reuchlin to copying the old Journal of Indiana Conference."
January 19- "I called on Reuchlin's in the evening."
January 21- "Reuchlin called in the afternoon awhile."
January 28- "Reuchlin came and we arranged for his going west."
January 30- "Reuchlin's came to stay."
February 5- "Go with Reuchlin's to get his photo negative."
February 6- "Reuchlin started at 7:00 for Cincinnati & perhaps for Kansas City to find employment. Wrote letters. Went to town & got proofs of negatives of Reuchlin's."
February 26- "Wrote to Reuchlin."
March 1- "Wrote to ...Reuchlin."
March 2- "Wrote Reuchlin."
March 6- "Afternoon bought a ticket for Lulu and checked her trunk for Kansas City. She started at 6:29 p.m. Reuchlin started just 4 weeks ago."
April 6- "Wrote one at night to Reuchlin."
April 10- "Wrote to Reuchlin & to Lorin."
April 17- Got letters from Reuchlin and Lulu....Went to town in afternoon to see about freight rates on Reuchlin's goods."
April 18- "Look after marking loading & shipping Reuchlin's goods. Sent him bill of lading."
July 4- "About 4:00, I found Susan sinking, and about five awakened the family.....she expired, and thus went out the light of my home..."
July 6- "D.K. Zeller and Emma came & Daniel Koerner, and our son Reuchlin. Funeral at 2:00 afternoon..."
September 2- "Found Lorin had come home from Kans."
September 17- "Letter from Reuchlin dated 15th announcing another daughter born the 14th."
Moving forward to 1891,
October 27- "Reach Kansas City at 10:10. Reuchlin meets me and takes me to his house at Ivanhoe...Stay there till morning and so on."
October 28- "Went with Reuchlin & Katie Luise to City. See town & Office. At home in rest of afternoon. Talk till bed time."
October 29- "Go to City and over to Wyandot. At home rest of the day. Came home on Grand Avenue. Walk through woods. At home the rest of the day. Lulu went to prayer meeting & Teacher's Meeting."
October 30- "Went out to Reuchlin & the Children east to gather Hickory nuts, etc. Remain till 5:30"
January 9, 1892- "I got a telegram from My son Reuchlin saying that Cath. L., his daughter, had diphtheria."
January 10- "At home. Not well. Have an influenza cold. Receive telegram from Reuchlin, at Kansas City, saying Catharine Louise, was hopelessly sick (diphtheria) and for me to come immediately. Cath. died that evening."
January 11- "Start about 7:45 A.M. via Hamilton & Indianapolis to Danville. Take Wabash train about 6:30 for Kansas City.....Cath. L. was buried this afternoon."
January 12- "I staid at Mrs. Spohr's, as Reuchlin's beds were not disinfected."
January 13- "We move somethings to Thirty-eighth Street, No 1908....Reuchlin determined to remove to another house."
January 14- "Family are moved. We are busy. Jessie Reeves comes to help Lulu."
January 15- "I help a little on moving. The doctor came. We Go to the cemetery in the afternoon, to see Cath. L's grave."
August 29- "My daughter in law Lulu, Reuchlin's wife, & daughter Helen came Friday."
January 10- "At home. Not well. Have an influenza cold. Receive telegram from Reuchlin, at Kansas City, saying Catharine Louise, was hopelessly sick (diphtheria) and for me to come immediately. Cath. died that evening."
January 11- "Start about 7:45 A.M. via Hamilton & Indianapolis to Danville. Take Wabash train about 6:30 for Kansas City.....Cath. L. was buried this afternoon."
January 12- "I staid at Mrs. Spohr's, as Reuchlin's beds were not disinfected."
January 13- "We move somethings to Thirty-eighth Street, No 1908....Reuchlin determined to remove to another house."
January 14- "Family are moved. We are busy. Jessie Reeves comes to help Lulu."
January 15- "I help a little on moving. The doctor came. We Go to the cemetery in the afternoon, to see Cath. L's grave."
August 29- "My daughter in law Lulu, Reuchlin's wife, & daughter Helen came Friday."
September 19- "Went to Reuchlin's (my Son's). Katie there."
September 20- "At Reuchlin's all day."
September 21- "Staid at Reuchlin's in forenoon. Went down town in afternoon with Katie and Helen. Got Helen a baby-wagon & doll, $1.90. Staid at Reuchlin's."
October 16, 1893- "Wrote letters to Reuchlin and others."
November 16- "Sent Reuchlin a draft for $40."
October 23, 1894- "...to Reuchlin's...I remain there all day. Children: Helen Margaret 5, Herbert, abt. 21 months. Herbert says but few words, but climbs and runs like a monkey."
October 24- "In the forenoon, we took a walk & hickory nut hunt with Helen 5, and Herbert 2."
October 25- "At Reuchlin's forenoon....Lulu went to prayer meeting at 8:00. Reuchlin and I staid with the children."
October 26- Walk with children in S.W. woods. Read some. Afternoon, took the children to photograph gallery...."
April 19, 1895- "I wrote letters and sent Reuchlin $75.00 and Katharine $35.00"
October 28- "Thence on train to Kansas City.....go on to Reuchlin's. Found all well."
October 29- "At Reuchlin's till 7:15, Eve."
April 11, 1896- "Letter from Reuchlin."
June 19, 1897- "Wrote to Reuchlin & Katherine..."
January 15, 1898- "...wrote letters to Kath. as I had one to Reuchlin earlier."
July 2, 1900- "Wrote Reuchlin a letter."
December 24- "Reuchlin and family and some of Lorin's children are with us. In the evening, the Christmas-tree was set up, and things put on it and about it. Helen and Herbert staid at night at Lorin's."
December 25- "Children and Lorin's came and had a time about the Christmas tree....It is Bertha's birth-day anniversary; 4 years old. Helen is 11. Herbert nearly 8."
December 26- "Reuchlin and family, except Helen, went to Bedell's for dinner.....I went to the library, got Herbert a drawing transparent slate."
December 27- "Reuchlin and his family and myself dined and supped at Lorin's. At night the club, called the 'Ten Dayton Boys', met at our house in their annual feast. They remained till after midnight."
December 28- "Reuchlin's went in the evening to visit Rev. H.F. Shupe's."
December 29- "...Ed Ellis called to see Reuchlin & family."
December 30- "Reuchlin & family attend Summit St. Church."
December 31- "Reuchlin's visited Ed. Ellis in the evening."
January 1, 1901- "Having been spared for 72-100ths of the old century, I am permitted to enter upon the new. Praise the Lord for his merciful kindness. Reuchlin and family dined with us."
January 3- "Myself, Reuchlin, Lorin and Wilbur went to Richmond, Ind. to D.K. Zeller's funeral."
January 4- "Reuchlin, Helen and I go to Woodland Cemetery to the extreme eastern part of the city, in the forenoon. In the evening, Reuchlin's family called at Joseph Boyd's awhile."
January 5- Lulu & Bertha started at 9:50 for Columbus and other points to visit relatives and friends. Reuchlin left on traction car at 4:00 for Richmond, via Eaton, on his way home to Kansas City, Mo. Ed. Ellis went with him to Eaton."
January 6- I took Herbert, my grandson, to Grace M.E. Church."
January 7- "Went with the children- Helen & Herbert- to the Soldier's Home, in the forenoon. In the Afternoon, I took Helen with me to Public Library., and Elder & Johnson's..."
January 8- "I took Helen and Herbert to their Aunt Jennie Bedell's in forenoon...."
January 9- "I took the children to see the Holly Water works, in the forenoon..."
January 10- "I took Helen and Herbert to the Library Museum, and to Lorin's office."
January 11- "...Lulu (Reuchlin's wife) came from Columbus at 6:40."
January 12- "Lulu and children go to town..."
January 13- "Attended...Church....Lulu, Herbert and Milton were with me."
January 14- "Lulu and the children are getting ready to return home, and I to go to Huntington."
January 15- "Lulu and children left at 9:30."
March 17- "This is the fortieth anniversary of my son Reuchlin's birth....He has been a good and dutiful son."
July 3, 1901- Letter from Wilbur to Reuchlin- "..It is almost a pity that you should work all through the hot months. We will not be ready to begin experimenting till about August 1st and will expect to stay till Sept 1st. If you could get off even as late as August 15th we could, by staying a week longer, make about three weeks together. Find out what you can do and with us at Kitty Hawk. Lorin will go Aug 15th if you will..." (6)
September 17, 1901- Letter from Reuchlin to his father- "Dear Father: I received card from you....We are glad you keep such good health. We are all anticipating much pleasure from your visit. The only complaint is that your stay is so short...." (6)
August 28, 1902- Letter from Milton to Wilbur- "Dear Wilbur: I reached Center Hill Church, 5 miles west of Mt. Carroll, last evening at dark, where Rev. A.X. Harrison handed me your letter and some other letters.....I will go to Reuchlin's if connections are good, and then to Roscoe Church in Washington Co., Kansas....." (6)
September 2, 1902- Letter from Milton to Katharine- "Dear Daughter: .....I do not know whether I can get time to visit Reuchlin till after the Arkansas Valley Conference. It may be that I will omit attending the Oklahoma Conference, & will spend the time at Reuchlin's....I suppose the boys have reached Kitty Hawk by this time. I hope Wilbur will recuperate nicely...." (6)
September 26, 1902- Letter from Milton to Katharine- "Reuchlin says that with some colds, they are all well. Bertha is much pleased with going to school. His oats are thrashed and yielded 35 or 40 bushels to the acre- not measured. He invites me to spend the week with them if I do not go to Oklahoma...." (6)
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Reuchlin and Lulu Wright's son Herbert Abeckett Wright, and their grandson Wilbur Herbert Wright, likely at 2923 Kansas City, Mo, winter of 1920. (3) |
September 17, 1901- Letter from Reuchlin to his father- "Dear Father: I received card from you....We are glad you keep such good health. We are all anticipating much pleasure from your visit. The only complaint is that your stay is so short...." (6)
August 28, 1902- Letter from Milton to Wilbur- "Dear Wilbur: I reached Center Hill Church, 5 miles west of Mt. Carroll, last evening at dark, where Rev. A.X. Harrison handed me your letter and some other letters.....I will go to Reuchlin's if connections are good, and then to Roscoe Church in Washington Co., Kansas....." (6)
September 2, 1902- Letter from Milton to Katharine- "Dear Daughter: .....I do not know whether I can get time to visit Reuchlin till after the Arkansas Valley Conference. It may be that I will omit attending the Oklahoma Conference, & will spend the time at Reuchlin's....I suppose the boys have reached Kitty Hawk by this time. I hope Wilbur will recuperate nicely...." (6)
September 26, 1902- Letter from Milton to Katharine- "Reuchlin says that with some colds, they are all well. Bertha is much pleased with going to school. His oats are thrashed and yielded 35 or 40 bushels to the acre- not measured. He invites me to spend the week with them if I do not go to Oklahoma...." (6)
September 21, 1903- "I went....to Reuchlin's."
September 22- "At Reuchlin's, I looked at the farm, crops, cattle, hogs, etc. Rode out with the family- called at Mr. McCaffrey's. Return to Reuchlin's. Wrote a little. In stocking feet, Herbert's height is 4 ft. 4 3/4 in.; Bertha's is 3 ft., 9 3/4 in."
November 4- "....walked out to Rechlin's, my son's."
November 5- "Reuchlin brough my valises in the forenoon."
November 6- "I was a Reuchlin's all day."
December 17- "In the afternoon about 5:30 we received the following telegram from Orville, dated Kitty Hawk, N.C., Dec 17, 'Bishop M. Wright: 'Success four flight Thursday morning all against a twenty-one mile wind started from level with engine power alone average speed through the air thirty one miles- longest 57 seconds. XXX home Christmas. Orville Wright."
September 6, 1904- "Herbert meets me and I go in the buggy to Reuchlin's. We went in the afternoon to Turner's after Bertha. I lodge at Reuchlin's."
September 7- "I staid at Reuchlin's till 4:35..."
September 8 letter from Milton to Wilbur-"I visited Reuchlin's....They are all well.....Reuchlin's corn and wheat were pretty good- what was not destroyed by the waters. He will cut up his corn and have enough fodder for winter. Two of the heifers they raised are giving milk, and promise to be good cows...I hope your aeranautical plans and experiments may be successful and accomplished without accidents...." (6)
September 12- "I went to....Reuchlin's."
September 13- "I remained at Reuchlin's."
September 14- "This was Helen's 15th birthday anniversary."
December 20- "I went to town this afternoon and bought Helen a red mohair dress and Bertha an oil cloth blackboard.."
December 21- "We sent a Christmas box to Reuchlin."
January 4, 1905- "Write Reuchlin much gossip & get his letter."
January 26- "Got a letter from Reuchlin and answered it..."
June 28- "I wrote to Reuchlin a long letter on the vitories of General Conference."
July 15- "Wrote to....Reuchlin."
March 17, 1906- "It is 106th anniversary of my Mother's birth, and the 45th of my son Reuchlin's. I wrote him, and sent him five dollars, as a present."
March 18- "A letter came from Reuchlin and one for Horace, enclosed. Horace thought that 'Grandpapa made it', but Milton told him that Uncle wrote it."
August 18, 1907- "I wrote to Reuchlin."
September 5- "Write letters to Reuchlin and Wilbur from whom I received letters this morning..."
October 26- "I wrote letters all day. Wrote to ...Reuchlin...and others."
December 24- "I subscribed for 'The Circle', Magazine, for Reuchlin- $1.50."
January 15, 1908- "Letters received from Reuchlin and from Flora M. Glass. Write several letters."
February 21- "Wrote to Reuchlin."
May 7- "Letters from Reuchlin, and Elmira Koerner."
May 9- "I wrote Reuchlin."
May 19- "Wrote Reuchlin and Barkly."
July 8- "Received a letter from Reuchlin. Wrote to him and to Wilbur."
August 28- "I wrote to Reuchlin and to Bertha Glaze."
September 17- "Orville injured. Orville's disaster at 5:00; Selfridge's death."
September 19- "I wrote Reuchlin."
October 13- "I write Katharine and Reuchlin."
November 18- "I received a letter from Reuchlin, enclosing one from Bertha."
December 30- "I wrote letters to Eva Gray and to Reuchlin."
March 21, 1909- "Received letters from Reuchlin, Bertha Glaize and Clara Gilbert.
May 14- "I send papers to Reuchlin and Clay."
June 3- "Wrote letters to Reuchlin and to...."
June 15- "Reuchlin came at 6:00 p.m."
June 16- "Mayor Burkhart came at 3:30 and took, in his automobile, me and Reuchlin and Katharine and Nettie all over the show ground...."
(June 17-18, Wright Brother Dayton Home Celebration, and Reuchlin attends with Wilbur, Orville, Katharine, Lorin, Lorin's family, and Milton. June 19, Wilbur and Orville leave for Washington.)
June 24- "Reuchlin and I went to Buck Island, and Loos shows the High School building."
June 26- "Lorin and family came up for ice cream. He and Reuchlin opened the art treasure from Sarthe. An Angel of aviation pointing Wilbur & Orville to an eagle."
June 27- "Reuchlin & I hear Rev. Camp, at Summit Street United Brethren Church.....We start at 5:58 p.m. for Washington City, Reuchlin & I."
June 28- "We arrived at Washington at 1:00 p.m. Orville met us and took us to the Raleigh House, were we took rooms in the 8th story. The Senate adjourned & Congressmen came to Witness a flight.."
June 29- "We (Reuchlin & I) went to White House & to the Washington Monument Park. Heat was very oppressive. At 5:00 went to the Fort. Orville flew short distances only. He had an electric fan put in my room."
June 30- "Reuchlin set the fan in motion- a great help. We went to the Smithsonian Institute.....In the evening at Ft. Myer, Orville flew better but broke a skid."
July 1- "Went to Ft. Myer. Orville flew 5, 8, and 9 minutes. We start home, Balt & Ohio, at 12:42."
July 3- "Reuchlin left at 9:55, via Pennsylvania for Tonganoxie, Kansas. Tr. late starting. He went away much improved in health and looks."
September 6, 1904- "Herbert meets me and I go in the buggy to Reuchlin's. We went in the afternoon to Turner's after Bertha. I lodge at Reuchlin's."
September 7- "I staid at Reuchlin's till 4:35..."
September 8 letter from Milton to Wilbur-"I visited Reuchlin's....They are all well.....Reuchlin's corn and wheat were pretty good- what was not destroyed by the waters. He will cut up his corn and have enough fodder for winter. Two of the heifers they raised are giving milk, and promise to be good cows...I hope your aeranautical plans and experiments may be successful and accomplished without accidents...." (6)
September 12- "I went to....Reuchlin's."
September 13- "I remained at Reuchlin's."
September 14- "This was Helen's 15th birthday anniversary."
December 20- "I went to town this afternoon and bought Helen a red mohair dress and Bertha an oil cloth blackboard.."
December 21- "We sent a Christmas box to Reuchlin."
January 4, 1905- "Write Reuchlin much gossip & get his letter."
January 26- "Got a letter from Reuchlin and answered it..."
June 28- "I wrote to Reuchlin a long letter on the vitories of General Conference."
July 15- "Wrote to....Reuchlin."
March 17, 1906- "It is 106th anniversary of my Mother's birth, and the 45th of my son Reuchlin's. I wrote him, and sent him five dollars, as a present."
March 18- "A letter came from Reuchlin and one for Horace, enclosed. Horace thought that 'Grandpapa made it', but Milton told him that Uncle wrote it."
August 18, 1907- "I wrote to Reuchlin."
September 5- "Write letters to Reuchlin and Wilbur from whom I received letters this morning..."
October 26- "I wrote letters all day. Wrote to ...Reuchlin...and others."
December 24- "I subscribed for 'The Circle', Magazine, for Reuchlin- $1.50."
January 15, 1908- "Letters received from Reuchlin and from Flora M. Glass. Write several letters."
February 21- "Wrote to Reuchlin."
May 7- "Letters from Reuchlin, and Elmira Koerner."
May 9- "I wrote Reuchlin."
May 19- "Wrote Reuchlin and Barkly."
July 8- "Received a letter from Reuchlin. Wrote to him and to Wilbur."
August 28- "I wrote to Reuchlin and to Bertha Glaze."
September 17- "Orville injured. Orville's disaster at 5:00; Selfridge's death."
September 19- "I wrote Reuchlin."
October 13- "I write Katharine and Reuchlin."
November 18- "I received a letter from Reuchlin, enclosing one from Bertha."
December 30- "I wrote letters to Eva Gray and to Reuchlin."
March 21, 1909- "Received letters from Reuchlin, Bertha Glaize and Clara Gilbert.
May 14- "I send papers to Reuchlin and Clay."
June 3- "Wrote letters to Reuchlin and to...."
June 15- "Reuchlin came at 6:00 p.m."
June 16- "Mayor Burkhart came at 3:30 and took, in his automobile, me and Reuchlin and Katharine and Nettie all over the show ground...."
(June 17-18, Wright Brother Dayton Home Celebration, and Reuchlin attends with Wilbur, Orville, Katharine, Lorin, Lorin's family, and Milton. June 19, Wilbur and Orville leave for Washington.)
June 24- "Reuchlin and I went to Buck Island, and Loos shows the High School building."
June 26- "Lorin and family came up for ice cream. He and Reuchlin opened the art treasure from Sarthe. An Angel of aviation pointing Wilbur & Orville to an eagle."
June 27- "Reuchlin & I hear Rev. Camp, at Summit Street United Brethren Church.....We start at 5:58 p.m. for Washington City, Reuchlin & I."
June 28- "We arrived at Washington at 1:00 p.m. Orville met us and took us to the Raleigh House, were we took rooms in the 8th story. The Senate adjourned & Congressmen came to Witness a flight.."
June 29- "We (Reuchlin & I) went to White House & to the Washington Monument Park. Heat was very oppressive. At 5:00 went to the Fort. Orville flew short distances only. He had an electric fan put in my room."
June 30- "Reuchlin set the fan in motion- a great help. We went to the Smithsonian Institute.....In the evening at Ft. Myer, Orville flew better but broke a skid."
July 1- "Went to Ft. Myer. Orville flew 5, 8, and 9 minutes. We start home, Balt & Ohio, at 12:42."
July 3- "Reuchlin left at 9:55, via Pennsylvania for Tonganoxie, Kansas. Tr. late starting. He went away much improved in health and looks."
Milton Wright to Grand-Niece Grace Frazier, July 22, 1909, "Dear Niece: It is some time since you were here. I may say now that Lorin's have come in to stay with me while Katharine goes a week to Washington.......Reuchlin and I went to Washington the 28th of June and staid near four days. We saw the city, looked into the Smithsonian Institute saw, fish, insects, birds, animals, and saw a variety sufficient to convince any rational man, that Darwin's Origin of Species originated in his own mind. We also looked upon the House of Representatives, and heard Mr. Root an hour in the Senate. In the afternoons we saw the Wright brothers fly at Fort Myer- Thursday evening, some ten miles at one flight. Late word is that Orville, Tuesday evening, 20th, flew one hour and twenty minutes. Reuchlin reached home, much improved July 4th. We have word since that his daughter Helen (Russell) has a daughter. She lives in Florence. His Bertha, the 4th of July, outran, as usual, all the girls of her age, in the township...."
Milton Wright to Grand-Niece Grace Frazier, July 22, 1909, "Dear Niece: It is some time since you were here. I may say now that Lorin's have come in to stay with me while Katharine goes a week to Washington.......Reuchlin and I went to Washington the 28th of June and staid near four days. We saw the city, looked into the Smithsonian Institute saw, fish, insects, birds, animals, and saw a variety sufficient to convince any rational man, that Darwin's Origin of Species originated in his own mind. We also looked upon the House of Representatives, and heard Mr. Root an hour in the Senate. In the afternoons we saw the Wright brothers fly at Fort Myer- Thursday evening, some ten miles at one flight. Late word is that Orville, Tuesday evening, 20th, flew one hour and twenty minutes. Reuchlin reached home, much improved July 4th. We have word since that his daughter Helen (Russell) has a daughter. She lives in Florence. His Bertha, the 4th of July, outran, as usual, all the girls of her age, in the township...."
September 23- "Letter from C.L. Wood and from Reuchlin..."October 4- "Wilbur flew from Governor's Island beyond Grant's Tomb & back in safety. He had a canoe attached."
December 22- "Wrote Reuchlin..."
February 7, 1910- "I mailed a letter to Reuchlin."
April 5- "Wrote a letter to Reuchlin."
May 2- "I wrote letters, to Reuchlin and others."
July 27- "Letter from Reuchlin says that Herbert has engaged to teach six months at fifty dollars per month- five miles south."
August 24- "I wrote to Reuchlin...."
November 22- "Wilbur came home at 6:00, evening, having visited Reuchlin yesterday."
February 1, 1911- "I got letters from Jess Lefforge and Reuchlin."
March 2- "Wrote to Reuchlin."
August 18- "Reuchlin and Bertha came from Kansas."
August 19- "We all took supper at Lorin's. It is Orville's and Katharine's 40th and 37th birth-day."
August 20- "Reuchlin and I attend the Park Presbyterian Church and hear J.G. Huber pr Phil. 4.8. It was a good sermon."
August 23- "Reuchlin and Bertha go to Aunt Bedell's for supper. Bertha stays here."
August 25- "Reuchlin and I supped at Lorin's."
August 26- "Wilbur meets the Ten Dayton Boys at his office. Reuchlin takes supper at Mrs. Ramsey's."
August 27- "Reuchlin and I attended Grace Lutheran Church and heard H.B. Burkholder pr, Mark 2.1-12.....The granddaughters, Ivonette, Leontine and Bertha dine with us. Reuchlin, Bertha, Ivonette, Leontine and our folks, take an auto ride to Milton's School-house and up Xenia Pike."
August 29- "Lorin's and Reuchlin and Bertha and Orville and Katharine go out to Simms and the three girls fly with Orville. They all sup with us."
September 1- "Reuchlin went to Simms and flew with Orville some half an hour. They rose about 1600 or 1800 feet high. They shut off the motor and sank some hundreds of feet."
September 2- "Ed Sines came to see Reuchlin and talked an hour or so."
September 4- "Reuchlin and Bertha started to their home in Kansas, at 8:45. Lorin, Orville, Katharine, and Lorin's girls go to the depot with them."
October 2- "I wrote to Reuchlin, of my trip to Indiana."
October 11- "I wrote to Reuchlin."
December 3- "I wrote to Reuchlin."
December 23- "Recieved and answered letters from J.L. Buckwater, Reuchlin...."
January 3, 1912- "Wrote to Reuchlin...."
January 27- "I wrote to Reuchlin..."
April 4- "Wrote to Albert Koerner in forenoon and to Reuchlin in Aftn."
May 7- "Letters from Reuchlin and Emma Dennis. Katharine mailed letter to Reuchlin, informing him of Wilbur's sickness."
May 24- "Reuchlin came from Kansas, to-day."
May 27- "Reuchlin saw him in the afternoon. I slept with my clothes on. We thought him near death. He lived through till the morning."
May 30- "This moring at 3:15, Wilbur passed away..."
June 4- "Reuchlin was with me in afternoon."
June 5- "Reuchlin started home at 8:50 forenoon. Perhaps it is our last meeting on earth."
July 25- "Received, letter and wrote Reuchlin."
October 18- "I wrote letters to Reuchlin (card)..."
December 4- "Received a letter from Reuchlin. He seems pleased with Baldwin. They approved of Helen's removal to Cottonwood Falls."
January 27, 1913- "Wrote to Reuchlin in answer to a letter from him."
February 20-"I received letters from Reuchlin, Helen and S.A. Stemen. Wrote to Reuchlin."
March 4- "I received a letter from Reuchlin, and answered it."
March 24- "I apprehended a flood. Felt the danger of it."
(1913 Flood occurred)
March 30- "I wrote to Reuchlin. Curfew came before I mailed my letter."
March 31- "I went to the School-house and mailed letter to Reuchlin..."
April 4- "I wrote to Reuchlin.."
April 24- "Received a letter and write one to Reuchlin."
June 19- "Wrote to Reuchlin..."
July 16- "Wrote card to Reuchlin in Sayner, Wis..."
September 24- "Received a letter from Reuchlin."
October 23- "I get letters from Reuchlin and Ellis Wright."
December 16- "I got a letter from Reuchlin..."
April 9, 1914- "Reuchlin came before noon. He came at Orville's request to consult about their business."
April 11- "Reuchlin supped at Lorin's."
April 13- "Reuchlin started home about 9:00 A.M."
May 5- "I wrote to Reuchlin, mailed to-day."
May 30- "It is just two years since Wilbur died. Oh, why did he go so soon?
May 31- "I wrote to Reuchlin."
August 6- "A letter from Reuchlin came. I had mailed one to him. Wrote one more."
September 7- "A letter from Reuchlin, the 4th, says that his motherinlaw Billheimer was that day seventy-nine years old. She is actively keeping house for Reuchlin while Lulu is visiting Herbert in Colorado."
March 17, 1915- "I wrote to Reuchlin on his fifty-fourth birth-day anniversary."
August 6- "I wrote Reuchlin."
August 18, 1916- "Letter or card from Reuchlin's, who are moving from Baldwin City to 639 Freeman Ave, Kan. City, Kan."
September 27- "I wrote a letter to Reuchlin. Sent him a copy of John Philip Freyer's old register..."
October 19- "Reuchlin and Lulu came about six o'clock....Reuchlin and Lulu appeared to be in good health."
October 21- "Reuchlin's were at our house. Reuchlin went with Lorin to town."
October 22- "Lorin's family, including Ivonette, dined with us. Reuchlin's also. They staid through the afternoon. John Wright came. Ivonette sung and Lulu played for her. We had many 'Victor' songs."
October 23- "Reuchlin and Lulu went to see her Aunt Ramsey, at Mrs. Bartle's."
October 24- "Reuchlin's went to Aunt Ann Ramsey's for supper & staid till bed-time."
October 27- "Reuchlin's went out to Orville's flying grounds."
October 28- "Lulu went to her Aunt Lizzie's, at Ravenna, Ohio. Reuchlin went to Lorin's and remained over Sunday, till eve."
October 29- "Reuchlin came home at night."
October 31- "Reuchlin went home this morning."
November 16- "Received letters of congratulation from Reuchlin, Herbert, and Bertha."
November 22- "I learn from Lulu, that her brother Frederick had a little boy who died at a week old. Mark Wood's widow is married again to a nice man. She has a little Billheimer girl about 9 years old."
November 23- "The women went down town."
November 24- "Lulu went to Netta's. Orville brought her home in the evening."
November 26- "Lulu started for home this morning."
December 25- "Lorin's whole family, Bertha Elwyn, Wright, and Jay R. Petree dined with us and staid till 6:00.."
December 28- "Mrs. Justina Stevens and Bertha Elwyn were with us for supper. Orville and Katharine took Mrs. Stevens home, and Elwyn to Lorin's. She is very fond of the ukulele, which Orville and Katharine give to her."
December 29- "Elwyn came & dined with us."
December 30- Bertha started home. She is a good looking, smart girl, 20 years old."
Milton's diary entries continue through early 1917, with his last entry April 3. He was 88 years old.
1917 letter from Reuchlin to Cousin Estelle, Kansas City, Kans.- "I suppose you have learned of the death of my father, your Uncle Milton. It occurred some time early Tuesday morning April 3rd. He was about the evening before as usual seemingly feeling as well as usual. He read the evening paper, wrote at his desk, was back and forth in Katharine's room talking to her and went to bed as usual. In the morning, he not coming down to breakfast as usual they went to his room and found him lying seemingly asleep in one of his favorite positions & covered. Touching him they found he was dead but the body not yet quite rigid. He must have died while yet asleep, there being no indication of suffering or struggle. A more peaceful death could hardly been imagined, and we are grateful for that. He was buried Thursday P.M. at the Woodland Cemetery beside Mother & Wilbur..." (12)
December 22- "Wrote Reuchlin..."
February 7, 1910- "I mailed a letter to Reuchlin."
April 5- "Wrote a letter to Reuchlin."
May 2- "I wrote letters, to Reuchlin and others."
July 27- "Letter from Reuchlin says that Herbert has engaged to teach six months at fifty dollars per month- five miles south."
August 24- "I wrote to Reuchlin...."
November 22- "Wilbur came home at 6:00, evening, having visited Reuchlin yesterday."
February 1, 1911- "I got letters from Jess Lefforge and Reuchlin."
March 2- "Wrote to Reuchlin."
August 18- "Reuchlin and Bertha came from Kansas."
August 19- "We all took supper at Lorin's. It is Orville's and Katharine's 40th and 37th birth-day."
August 20- "Reuchlin and I attend the Park Presbyterian Church and hear J.G. Huber pr Phil. 4.8. It was a good sermon."
August 23- "Reuchlin and Bertha go to Aunt Bedell's for supper. Bertha stays here."
August 25- "Reuchlin and I supped at Lorin's."
August 26- "Wilbur meets the Ten Dayton Boys at his office. Reuchlin takes supper at Mrs. Ramsey's."
August 27- "Reuchlin and I attended Grace Lutheran Church and heard H.B. Burkholder pr, Mark 2.1-12.....The granddaughters, Ivonette, Leontine and Bertha dine with us. Reuchlin, Bertha, Ivonette, Leontine and our folks, take an auto ride to Milton's School-house and up Xenia Pike."
August 29- "Lorin's and Reuchlin and Bertha and Orville and Katharine go out to Simms and the three girls fly with Orville. They all sup with us."
September 1- "Reuchlin went to Simms and flew with Orville some half an hour. They rose about 1600 or 1800 feet high. They shut off the motor and sank some hundreds of feet."
September 2- "Ed Sines came to see Reuchlin and talked an hour or so."
September 4- "Reuchlin and Bertha started to their home in Kansas, at 8:45. Lorin, Orville, Katharine, and Lorin's girls go to the depot with them."
October 2- "I wrote to Reuchlin, of my trip to Indiana."
October 11- "I wrote to Reuchlin."
December 3- "I wrote to Reuchlin."
December 23- "Recieved and answered letters from J.L. Buckwater, Reuchlin...."
January 3, 1912- "Wrote to Reuchlin...."
January 27- "I wrote to Reuchlin..."
April 4- "Wrote to Albert Koerner in forenoon and to Reuchlin in Aftn."
May 7- "Letters from Reuchlin and Emma Dennis. Katharine mailed letter to Reuchlin, informing him of Wilbur's sickness."
May 24- "Reuchlin came from Kansas, to-day."
May 27- "Reuchlin saw him in the afternoon. I slept with my clothes on. We thought him near death. He lived through till the morning."
May 30- "This moring at 3:15, Wilbur passed away..."
June 4- "Reuchlin was with me in afternoon."
June 5- "Reuchlin started home at 8:50 forenoon. Perhaps it is our last meeting on earth."
July 25- "Received, letter and wrote Reuchlin."
October 18- "I wrote letters to Reuchlin (card)..."
December 4- "Received a letter from Reuchlin. He seems pleased with Baldwin. They approved of Helen's removal to Cottonwood Falls."
January 27, 1913- "Wrote to Reuchlin in answer to a letter from him."
February 20-"I received letters from Reuchlin, Helen and S.A. Stemen. Wrote to Reuchlin."
March 4- "I received a letter from Reuchlin, and answered it."
March 24- "I apprehended a flood. Felt the danger of it."
(1913 Flood occurred)
March 30- "I wrote to Reuchlin. Curfew came before I mailed my letter."
March 31- "I went to the School-house and mailed letter to Reuchlin..."
April 4- "I wrote to Reuchlin.."
April 24- "Received a letter and write one to Reuchlin."
June 19- "Wrote to Reuchlin..."
July 16- "Wrote card to Reuchlin in Sayner, Wis..."
September 24- "Received a letter from Reuchlin."
October 23- "I get letters from Reuchlin and Ellis Wright."
December 16- "I got a letter from Reuchlin..."
April 9, 1914- "Reuchlin came before noon. He came at Orville's request to consult about their business."
April 11- "Reuchlin supped at Lorin's."
April 13- "Reuchlin started home about 9:00 A.M."
May 5- "I wrote to Reuchlin, mailed to-day."
May 30- "It is just two years since Wilbur died. Oh, why did he go so soon?
May 31- "I wrote to Reuchlin."
August 6- "A letter from Reuchlin came. I had mailed one to him. Wrote one more."
September 7- "A letter from Reuchlin, the 4th, says that his motherinlaw Billheimer was that day seventy-nine years old. She is actively keeping house for Reuchlin while Lulu is visiting Herbert in Colorado."
March 17, 1915- "I wrote to Reuchlin on his fifty-fourth birth-day anniversary."
August 6- "I wrote Reuchlin."
August 18, 1916- "Letter or card from Reuchlin's, who are moving from Baldwin City to 639 Freeman Ave, Kan. City, Kan."
September 27- "I wrote a letter to Reuchlin. Sent him a copy of John Philip Freyer's old register..."
October 19- "Reuchlin and Lulu came about six o'clock....Reuchlin and Lulu appeared to be in good health."
October 21- "Reuchlin's were at our house. Reuchlin went with Lorin to town."
October 22- "Lorin's family, including Ivonette, dined with us. Reuchlin's also. They staid through the afternoon. John Wright came. Ivonette sung and Lulu played for her. We had many 'Victor' songs."
October 23- "Reuchlin and Lulu went to see her Aunt Ramsey, at Mrs. Bartle's."
October 24- "Reuchlin's went to Aunt Ann Ramsey's for supper & staid till bed-time."
October 27- "Reuchlin's went out to Orville's flying grounds."
October 28- "Lulu went to her Aunt Lizzie's, at Ravenna, Ohio. Reuchlin went to Lorin's and remained over Sunday, till eve."
October 29- "Reuchlin came home at night."
October 31- "Reuchlin went home this morning."
November 16- "Received letters of congratulation from Reuchlin, Herbert, and Bertha."
November 22- "I learn from Lulu, that her brother Frederick had a little boy who died at a week old. Mark Wood's widow is married again to a nice man. She has a little Billheimer girl about 9 years old."
November 23- "The women went down town."
November 24- "Lulu went to Netta's. Orville brought her home in the evening."
November 26- "Lulu started for home this morning."
December 25- "Lorin's whole family, Bertha Elwyn, Wright, and Jay R. Petree dined with us and staid till 6:00.."
December 28- "Mrs. Justina Stevens and Bertha Elwyn were with us for supper. Orville and Katharine took Mrs. Stevens home, and Elwyn to Lorin's. She is very fond of the ukulele, which Orville and Katharine give to her."
December 29- "Elwyn came & dined with us."
December 30- Bertha started home. She is a good looking, smart girl, 20 years old."
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Bertha Ellywn Wright, daughter of Reuchlin and Lulu Wright, 1915, courtesy of Special Collections and Archives, Wright State University Libraries. |
Milton's diary entries continue through early 1917, with his last entry April 3. He was 88 years old.
1917 letter from Reuchlin to Cousin Estelle, Kansas City, Kans.- "I suppose you have learned of the death of my father, your Uncle Milton. It occurred some time early Tuesday morning April 3rd. He was about the evening before as usual seemingly feeling as well as usual. He read the evening paper, wrote at his desk, was back and forth in Katharine's room talking to her and went to bed as usual. In the morning, he not coming down to breakfast as usual they went to his room and found him lying seemingly asleep in one of his favorite positions & covered. Touching him they found he was dead but the body not yet quite rigid. He must have died while yet asleep, there being no indication of suffering or struggle. A more peaceful death could hardly been imagined, and we are grateful for that. He was buried Thursday P.M. at the Woodland Cemetery beside Mother & Wilbur..." (12)
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Lulu and Reuchlin Wright, around 1919.(3) |
The National Park Service website states, "..As an adult, Reuchlin grew distant from his father, brothers, and sister in Dayton, who did not get along with Lulu." The evidence clearly shows that Reuchlin did not grow distant from his father. Further, evidence indicates Lulu did get along with Wilbur and Orville. Lulu likely spoke her mind when she chose to, and such behavior can be interpreted by some as "not getting along" with other family members. Wilbur and Orville were also of strong convictions, and would have heated "discussions" (scrapping). Historians have viewed these discussions between Wilbur and Orville in a positive way. Why is a different standard applied in Lulu's case?
Reuchlin and Lulu's daughter Bertha Ellwyn told of the fondness her mother had for Wilbur. "My mother always felt near to Uncle Will. She said, 'Will seemed to have an understanding and kindly way; the sisters-in-law loved him for it.' However he did write a letter of censure to her because he thought she was allowing the girls (Helen and Bertha Ellwyn) to get their way over their brother, Herbert. We probably howled a lot." (4) It would appear that the relationship between Wilbur and Lulu was strong enough that in a letter, he could provide some honest criticism of Lulu and Reuchlin's parenting of their children, specifically Herbert, without endangering the friendship. (5)(7)
Orville Wright visited the Kansas family during the summer of 1919, of which Bertha writes, "The summer of 1919, Uncle Orv came through Kansas City, on a trip west. I introduced him to my fiancé, Harold Steeper, cashier of the Bank of McLouth, McLouth, Kansas.....On October 8th of that year, Aunt Katharine and Uncle Orv came from Dayton for our wedding. This was a triple wedding with two of Harold's sisters being married in the same ceremony. The wedding was performed in McLouth, Kansas, where Harold was born and reared and where my sister Helen and her family were living. Mother, Papa, Uncle Orv and Aunt Katharine drove out from Kansas City for the wedding." (4) Orville and Katharine did not realize at the time that this would be their last visit with their brother Reuchlin.
From the Kansas City Times, Mo, Monday, May 24, 1920, "Reuchlin Wright, 59 years old, died yesterday at his home, 3836 Euclid avenue, following a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Wright was first stricken last Monday morning but seemed to be on the road to recovery when he received a second stroke from which he failed to recover. He was a brother to Wilbur and Orville Wright, the inventors of the first successful heavier-than-air flying machine..." Unfortunately, Orville was suffering from sciatica (13) at the time of Reuchlin's strokes and eventual death, and therefore neither Orville nor Katharine was able to visit Reuchlin during his final week. From the Dayton Daily Journal, May 24, 1920, "Information of a previous stroke which he suffered one week ago today summoned his younger brother, Lorin Wright, to Kansas City, where he and his wife now are. Orville Wright is ill with sciatica at his home in Oakwood, so neither he nor his sister, Miss Katharine Wright, will be able to go west..."
Orville Wright visited the Kansas family during the summer of 1919, of which Bertha writes, "The summer of 1919, Uncle Orv came through Kansas City, on a trip west. I introduced him to my fiancé, Harold Steeper, cashier of the Bank of McLouth, McLouth, Kansas.....On October 8th of that year, Aunt Katharine and Uncle Orv came from Dayton for our wedding. This was a triple wedding with two of Harold's sisters being married in the same ceremony. The wedding was performed in McLouth, Kansas, where Harold was born and reared and where my sister Helen and her family were living. Mother, Papa, Uncle Orv and Aunt Katharine drove out from Kansas City for the wedding." (4) Orville and Katharine did not realize at the time that this would be their last visit with their brother Reuchlin.
From the Kansas City Times, Mo, Monday, May 24, 1920, "Reuchlin Wright, 59 years old, died yesterday at his home, 3836 Euclid avenue, following a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Wright was first stricken last Monday morning but seemed to be on the road to recovery when he received a second stroke from which he failed to recover. He was a brother to Wilbur and Orville Wright, the inventors of the first successful heavier-than-air flying machine..." Unfortunately, Orville was suffering from sciatica (13) at the time of Reuchlin's strokes and eventual death, and therefore neither Orville nor Katharine was able to visit Reuchlin during his final week. From the Dayton Daily Journal, May 24, 1920, "Information of a previous stroke which he suffered one week ago today summoned his younger brother, Lorin Wright, to Kansas City, where he and his wife now are. Orville Wright is ill with sciatica at his home in Oakwood, so neither he nor his sister, Miss Katharine Wright, will be able to go west..."
How terribly sad it must have been for Orville and Katharine to not be able to be with Reuchlin during his final days. Katharine wrote of the experience to her friend Vilhjalmur Stefansson December 26, 1923, and within the letter wrote the following, "We had the family (twelve besides ourselves) for dinner Christmas Eve and for supper, in the kitchen, last night. After they had gone last night I had a chance to sit down before the wood-fire in the living-room and think about you. I was thinking about Christmas Eve four years ago when we had a Christmas telegram from you- and about on any, many other nice things that I love to remember. I wonder if you ever knew about the one letter that just about "saved my life". It was just after we had been in New York, for the medal, and Orv was down in bed after we got home. My oldest brother was ill too and we couldn't go or do a thing. I had to stay with Orv and he was very uncomfortable and I was worn out with anxiety. On Saturday afternoon in the last mail came a dear letter from you. I'll never forget what that letter said. I know it by heart. Well, I can't tell you how it helped me through that black time- my brother died the next morning- and I needed comfort." (16)
After Reuchlin's death, Lulu's relationship with Orville did not diminish, but grew fonder with the passing years. Bertha Ellwyn wrote of a visit to Orville's vacation property at Lambert Island in Georgian Bay, Canada, "We had two children, Margaret, age six, and Charles, two years of age. On this trip, in May 1934, we took Mother (Lulu) with us, thus providing Uncle Orv with a sparing partner. They had many heated but friendly arguments which Uncle Orv dearly loved." (4)
Orville would continue to be involved with Lulu and her children and grandchildren throughout the rest of his life. Financially he assisted with college education expenses. When the Wright's 7 Hawthorn home and the 1127 West Third Wright's Cycle Shop were relocated to Greenfield Village, Dearborn, Michigan by Henry Ford, Lulu attended the celebration event in 1938 along with her daughter's families (the Steeper and Russel families), and her grandson Wilbur H. Wright, Herbert's son. When Herbert's daughter Katharine married Edward Dugald Chaffee on May 29, 1943, Lulu, Bertha Ellwyn, and Orville attended the wedding. Bertha Ellwyn's daughter Margaret married Robert Edwards on June 23, 1946, and Orville was invited to that wedding. Bertha wrote "Uncle Orv and Mother (Lulu) drove to the church together and had a little trouble finding the church, so they were almost late. As Uncle Orv was the last of the Bishop Wright's children and Lulu Billheimer Wright was the last of the in-laws, they seemed to especially enjoy this opportunity to talk about the old and familiar things in regard to the family....." (4)
For more on Reuchlin Wright's family, please read my posts:
Five Copper Cents- The True Account of Jacob and Amanda Billheimer- Reuchlin Wright's In-Laws
The Story of Herbert and Irene Wright
Raising Wilbur Herbert Wright
Index of topics
Copyright 2021-Getting the Story Wright
1. The Bishop's Boys- Tom Crouch, 1989, one of the best books on the Wright Brothers ever written.
2. The Wright Brothers- The Remarkable Story of the Aviation Pioneers Who Changed the World- Ian Mackersey, 2003, also one of the best books on the Wright Brothers ever written.
3. Picture from Author's collection.
4. From Wright Reminiscences- Compiled by Ivonette Wright Miller, 1978
5. Yet this June 18, 1901 letter from Wilbur to Lulu has been quoted by others as evidence to support that the Dayton family did not get along with her. I believe, as I've stated, it shows the relationship was strong enough to endure honest criticism.
6. From Library of Congress Wright Brother archives.
7. This is a neat letter in which Wilbur offers wise council to his sister-in-law in such a loving way. Basically, when Reuchlin, Lulu, and children were visiting Dayton family for Christmas of 1900, Wilbur witnessed how whenever there was a disagreement between Reuch and Lulu's son Herbert and his sisters Helen and Bertha, the parents would always side with the sisters. Wilbur points out that Herbert "is by nature a little quieter in his disposition than most children. He is not at all aggressive even in maintaining his just rights." Herbert's parents were wanting him to choose business as a career, and so Wilbur continues, "When I heard that you intended to put him into a business early I could not help feeling that in teaching him to prefer others to himself you were giving him a very poor training for the life work you had chosen for him, for in business it is the aggressive man who continually has his eye on his own interest who succeeds. Business is merely a form of warfare in which each combatant strives to get their business away from his competitors and at the same time keep them from getting what he already has. No man has ever been successful in business who was not aggressive, self assertive and even a little bit selfish perhaps...." He then writes, "If Herbert were less retiring and more assertive than he is I would entirely agree to putting him into business early....I agree that a college training is wasted on a man who expects to follow commercial pursuits. Neither will putting a boy, who has not the aggressive business instinct, to work early, make a successful business man of him. I entirely agree that the boys of the Wright family are all lacking in determination and push. That is the very reason that none of us have been or will be more than ordinary business men.......We ought not the have been business men...." This letter has been quoted as Wilbur agreeing that the boys of the Wright family are all lacking in determination and push. But in the context of the letter, Wilbur is not saying this is a bad trait. He is simply saying that in the business world, to paraphrase, it is dog eat dog, and only those who are aggressive and a bit selfish are successful in that field.
8. This line concerning Reuchlin is not the main focus of the letter, but simply one comment. Katharine mentions Lorin will be heading for Kitty Hawk, and then says, "He (Lorin) intends to start next Monday morning. He is better but needs the rest and change so much. I gave him a check for $25. Reuch and Lorin have kind of a hard time, it seems to me. I'd like to do something for Reuch but a person can't do anything to please him. He is suspicious of everything." That's it. Should one statement from a sister define a man for all time?
9. From Wright Reminiscences compiled by Ivonette Wright Miller, "The City of Dayton celebrated...Uncle Reuchlin Wright from Kansas came for the festivities. Mayor Burkhart took grandfather, mother, Uncle Reuch and Aunt Katharine for a trip in his car, going all over the show areas at the Fairgrounds, the Cash Register, Dayton View and the Soldier's Home. There were fireworks the next night at the Miami River bank, and Uncle Reuch went over with us to see them...The bronze statue 'The Muse of Aviation' arrived from France and my father and Uncle Reuch unpacked it. It had been presented to Orville and Wilbur by the Aero Club of LaSarthe….When Uncle Orv made his flights in Ft. Myer they sent for grandfather and Uncle Reuch to come to Washington. Orville met them and took them to the Raleigh House....After several days of sightseeing, grandfather and Uncle Reuch came back to Dayton and Reuchlin on to Kansas."
10. From Wright Reminiscences compiled by Ivonette Wright Miller, "In August of 1911, when Uncle Reuch and his daughter (Bertha) Ellwyn were visiting us, Uncle Orv took us up, all three of us. Leontine was first, Ellwyn being our guest was second. Then it was my turn."
11. Ohio Home of the Wright Brothers, by Louis Chmiel- Louis writes, "Later in the year near the end of August Reuchlin's wife Lulu along with their daughter Helen came back to Dayton to visit....When Lulu left Dayton in early September, to return to Kansas City, Katharine Wright accompanied her back home. When Milton arrived in Kansas City on September 19, Katherine was there staying with Reuchlin's family. Milton was at Reuchlin's over the course of four days relaxing and visiting with Katharine, Reuchlin, Lulu, and his granddaughter Helen......Milton departed...on an excursion of over fifteen small Kansas towns....met up with Reuchlin at the train depot....they stayed over together at the home of a church elder....A week after Milton arrived home in Dayton he was at the Union Depot....to meet Katharine coming in......she had been in Kansas City with Lulu and Reuchlin for about two months..."
12. From WSU Wright Brother Archives.
13. Orville suffered from bouts of sciatica for the rest of his life due to injuries received in September of 1908 at Ft. Myer. Travel during his times of illness was not possible due to extreme pain.
1. The Bishop's Boys- Tom Crouch, 1989, one of the best books on the Wright Brothers ever written.
2. The Wright Brothers- The Remarkable Story of the Aviation Pioneers Who Changed the World- Ian Mackersey, 2003, also one of the best books on the Wright Brothers ever written.
3. Picture from Author's collection.
4. From Wright Reminiscences- Compiled by Ivonette Wright Miller, 1978
5. Yet this June 18, 1901 letter from Wilbur to Lulu has been quoted by others as evidence to support that the Dayton family did not get along with her. I believe, as I've stated, it shows the relationship was strong enough to endure honest criticism.
6. From Library of Congress Wright Brother archives.
7. This is a neat letter in which Wilbur offers wise council to his sister-in-law in such a loving way. Basically, when Reuchlin, Lulu, and children were visiting Dayton family for Christmas of 1900, Wilbur witnessed how whenever there was a disagreement between Reuch and Lulu's son Herbert and his sisters Helen and Bertha, the parents would always side with the sisters. Wilbur points out that Herbert "is by nature a little quieter in his disposition than most children. He is not at all aggressive even in maintaining his just rights." Herbert's parents were wanting him to choose business as a career, and so Wilbur continues, "When I heard that you intended to put him into a business early I could not help feeling that in teaching him to prefer others to himself you were giving him a very poor training for the life work you had chosen for him, for in business it is the aggressive man who continually has his eye on his own interest who succeeds. Business is merely a form of warfare in which each combatant strives to get their business away from his competitors and at the same time keep them from getting what he already has. No man has ever been successful in business who was not aggressive, self assertive and even a little bit selfish perhaps...." He then writes, "If Herbert were less retiring and more assertive than he is I would entirely agree to putting him into business early....I agree that a college training is wasted on a man who expects to follow commercial pursuits. Neither will putting a boy, who has not the aggressive business instinct, to work early, make a successful business man of him. I entirely agree that the boys of the Wright family are all lacking in determination and push. That is the very reason that none of us have been or will be more than ordinary business men.......We ought not the have been business men...." This letter has been quoted as Wilbur agreeing that the boys of the Wright family are all lacking in determination and push. But in the context of the letter, Wilbur is not saying this is a bad trait. He is simply saying that in the business world, to paraphrase, it is dog eat dog, and only those who are aggressive and a bit selfish are successful in that field.
8. This line concerning Reuchlin is not the main focus of the letter, but simply one comment. Katharine mentions Lorin will be heading for Kitty Hawk, and then says, "He (Lorin) intends to start next Monday morning. He is better but needs the rest and change so much. I gave him a check for $25. Reuch and Lorin have kind of a hard time, it seems to me. I'd like to do something for Reuch but a person can't do anything to please him. He is suspicious of everything." That's it. Should one statement from a sister define a man for all time?
9. From Wright Reminiscences compiled by Ivonette Wright Miller, "The City of Dayton celebrated...Uncle Reuchlin Wright from Kansas came for the festivities. Mayor Burkhart took grandfather, mother, Uncle Reuch and Aunt Katharine for a trip in his car, going all over the show areas at the Fairgrounds, the Cash Register, Dayton View and the Soldier's Home. There were fireworks the next night at the Miami River bank, and Uncle Reuch went over with us to see them...The bronze statue 'The Muse of Aviation' arrived from France and my father and Uncle Reuch unpacked it. It had been presented to Orville and Wilbur by the Aero Club of LaSarthe….When Uncle Orv made his flights in Ft. Myer they sent for grandfather and Uncle Reuch to come to Washington. Orville met them and took them to the Raleigh House....After several days of sightseeing, grandfather and Uncle Reuch came back to Dayton and Reuchlin on to Kansas."
10. From Wright Reminiscences compiled by Ivonette Wright Miller, "In August of 1911, when Uncle Reuch and his daughter (Bertha) Ellwyn were visiting us, Uncle Orv took us up, all three of us. Leontine was first, Ellwyn being our guest was second. Then it was my turn."
11. Ohio Home of the Wright Brothers, by Louis Chmiel- Louis writes, "Later in the year near the end of August Reuchlin's wife Lulu along with their daughter Helen came back to Dayton to visit....When Lulu left Dayton in early September, to return to Kansas City, Katharine Wright accompanied her back home. When Milton arrived in Kansas City on September 19, Katherine was there staying with Reuchlin's family. Milton was at Reuchlin's over the course of four days relaxing and visiting with Katharine, Reuchlin, Lulu, and his granddaughter Helen......Milton departed...on an excursion of over fifteen small Kansas towns....met up with Reuchlin at the train depot....they stayed over together at the home of a church elder....A week after Milton arrived home in Dayton he was at the Union Depot....to meet Katharine coming in......she had been in Kansas City with Lulu and Reuchlin for about two months..."
12. From WSU Wright Brother Archives.
13. Orville suffered from bouts of sciatica for the rest of his life due to injuries received in September of 1908 at Ft. Myer. Travel during his times of illness was not possible due to extreme pain.
14. From my collection, letter dated December 26, 1923 from Katharine Wright to "Stef" Stefansson, written on Hawthorn Hill stationary, two pages, four sided, very heart felt message. Added to this post 11/17/22.
15. Reuchlin's Family Tree- I will add to this or make corrections as needed. Any family input would be welcomed. Additional names are listed in Family Tree pictured below my summary.
15. Reuchlin's Family Tree- I will add to this or make corrections as needed. Any family input would be welcomed. Additional names are listed in Family Tree pictured below my summary.
16. Letter from Author's collection.
Reuchlin Wright Family
Reuchlin Born March 17, 1861, married Lulu Billheimer April 27, 1886. Lulu died Jan 7, 1951
1901, worked 80
acre farm Tonganoxie, Leavenworth, Kansas
1910, lived in
Stranger, Leavenworth, Kansas
1912, lived in
Baldwin City, Douglas, Kansas
1920, lived in
Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri
Died May 23,
Lulu’s mother
Amanda Louise Billheimer died in 1926
Daughter- Catharine Louise born June 23, 1887, died January 10, 1892, age 4.
Daughter- Helen Margaret born September 14, 1889, died Jan 25, 1972.
Married George
Nichols Russel Oct 4, 1908. (1888- 1956).
Louise 1909-1994, Elizabeth Leigh (Greenman) 1923-1996.
Son- George Milton Russel
Son- Herbert Abeckett Wright born February 7, 1893, died June 19, 1960
Riverside, CA.
Married October
21, 1917 Irene Matilda May (1895-
Jan 6, 1931), Sister is Ruth May, born 1892.
Irene’s father
died in 1909 when she was 14. Sister Ruth’s child Elizabeth “Betty Campbell,
1914-2002. Sally Campbell, 1930-2002. Irene’s mother Bessie Devon May.
Son- Wilbur Herbert Wright born Feb 28,
1920, died 1991.
Daughter- Katherine Wright born Nov 10, 1922,
died 2007.
Married Jun 26,
1933 Edna Lily Fishouser Loevenguth (1896-1982). Edna’s first husband John died
in 1929. Daughters Anna Louise, Eula,
and Aleda Loevenguth, and son John Loevenguth.
Daughter- Bertha Ellwyn born December 25, 1896, died April 30, 1977.
Married Oct 8,
1919 Harold William Steeper (1892-1979)
Son- Charles Harold
Steeper (1928-1984)
Margaret Ellwyn Steeper (1924-1995)